Friday, June 6, 2014

Who was She?

She was, in a word, mesmerising, and her smile lit up the place. It was contagious, and she made other people smile. She was strong and brave, she was fearless. She was confident, and fought for what she believed in. She was determined, and faced each problem with her head held high. When she spoke, people listened. She inspired them, she helped them. She was amazing. Her big eyes were filled with dreams and hopes, which she was determined to fulfill. She was a good listener, and people turned to her in their time of need. She was beautiful in every way one could be. She was considerate and people looked upto her. They respected her and her opinion. She was not afraid to be who she was, she wasn't ashamed of herself. She was confident and sure of herself. It wasn't like she was perfect, but the people around her accepted her mistakes and the only thing she took from them was the experience- not sorrow and pain. She wasn't perfect but she was so much more. She made a difference by existing.

I saw her, time and again, in my dreams. What was she? Who was she? Was she only a figment of my imagination? The next time I saw her, I stared into her beautiful black eyes. Time stood still, she looked back at me just as intently as I stared at her, and the truth of this entity dawned upon me. I knew her. I had always known her. She wasn't just a figment of my imagination- she was me!
She was me, the me I've always wished I could be.